The project Green Line is focused on the transfer of knowledge and experience and leads to increase of capacity of the involved organizations (partners) and increase of ability of institutional cooperation (partners, municipalities, public organizations) in the field of environmental protection, energy efficiency and renewable energy in order to achieve a higher level of maturity in cross-border relations. In the project a key topic has been activated, namely a lack of skills and cooperation is necessary to strengthen the possibility and show new ways and develop additional tools for effective strategic planning in line with the national legislations and European directives. The key focus of the project is the implementation of the twinning process reflecting in cross-border meetings between partners, with a mutual transfer of knowledge and experience, for the preparation of strategic energy plans. This project concept will target and train partners’ staff and include employees in public institutions in the concept – “first internal knowledge in the organizations, then support other”. The project will also provide support tools, such the preparation of application for energy accounting system, with the necessary translations from Slovenian, for energy accounting in the Hungarian and the production of a 3D model of the Mura-Zala geothermal basin - an overview of the potentials of geothermal energy. After finalization of the twinning process a protocol of cooperation with concrete steps for long-term cooperation in the future will be prepared and signed between partners. Also the presentation of good practices will be facilitated, as an input for measures database for preparation of action plans in future, where the focus will be on accepting the commitments to use the support tools that are developing the project.